Four Ounces of Steel

Arthur created an extensive sixteen-page brochure, titled “Four Ounces of Steel- a Revolution in the mining World,” in response to the many requests that he was getting for written information about his invention.

He distributed the brochure to mining, construction, and railroad operations worldwide. The brochure highlighted the benefits and features of his high-grade quality bits and provided detailed information about its production process.

The technical pamphlet written in the machinist’s jargon generated a lot of interest, and orders began to flood in from all over the world, including Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, British Columbia, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

The brochure had served its purpose of providing detailed written information about the benefits of his invention and he had effectively marketed it to a wide audience. This was a major step forward for Arthur and it was clear that his invention was going to have a significant impact on the mining industry worldwide.

One such letter that he received came from a Gold mine before the contest had taken place and the press were writing about it. April 4, 1922, from the Waihi Gold Mine Co, Limited, Waihi, New Zealand.

We wish to try out the Hawkesworth detachable bits and will be obliged if you will quote for a set of bits for each of the following machines: No. 248 Lerner-Ingersoll drill using 1 1/4 hollow round steel. If you consider that we would be able to shape the steel to hold the bit, following instruction given by you, it would not be necessary to send any shanks with the bits; failing this please quote, for say, three lengths of steel for each bit.” CCW. II.

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